Types of Water Treatment
Water Treatment

Different Types of Water Treatment Systems

There are a wide range of water treatment methods. Each one works quite differently and has a different set of applications. Choosing the right one depends on the water you are treating and how clean you need it to be. Below, we look at some of the common treatment systems available as well as OLEOLOGY’s unique treatment systems.

Types of Water Treatment Systems

Reverse Osmosis

Reverse osmosis involves removing contaminants from water by pushing water placed under high pressure through a semi-permeable membrane. This process is used to demineralise water as well as trap particles like rust and calcium carbonate. This type of water treatment is commonly used on regular tap water for use in the food industry, for window cleaning, for creating artificial seawater in aquariums and for some industrial applications. Reverse osmosis cannot remove pesticides and herbicides.

Sediment Filter

A sediment filter can trap and remove suspended solids from your water supply. This includes debris from stormwater runoff as well as rust coming from aging pipes. Removing sediments helps protect appliances that use water and help other filtration systems like reverse osmosis and UV treatment work more efficiently.

Activated Carbon

Activated carbon is widely used for purification in a variety of applications, including municipal drinking water, industrial food and beverage processes, odour removal, industrial management of pollutants and general use in the home. Activated carbon has a large surface area per unit volume, along with a network of sub microscopic pores. This makes it ideal for filtering a range of contaminants, but it isn’t effective for water with high levels of oil, grease and solids.

UV Water Treatment

There’s an adage that sunlight is the best disinfectant. While this isn’t always true, UV water treatment is an excellent way of disinfecting bacteria in water. UV rays penetrate harmful pathogens in water and destroy illness-causing microorganisms. It’s incredibly simple and efficient. However, UV treatment does not work to eliminate contaminants like chlorine, heavy metals and VOC’s (Volatile Organic Compounds).

Ozone Water Treatment

Ozone water treatment involves treating and disinfecting water using Ozone produced from only oxygen. This makes it one of the most environmentally friendly solutions. Ozone treatment has a variety of applications from swimming pool disinfection to groundwater remediation.

Oil Water Separators

At OLEOLOGY, we have created an innovative oil water separator capable of removing gross oil and solids from water down to 1 part per million (ppm). This is achieved by using the MyCelx polymer which chemical bonds to oils in the water. This process of molecular cohesion allows us to permanently remove oil from water, making it safe to discharge into the environment or use for cleaning or other non-potable uses.

Innovative Water Treatment Solutions by Oleology

OLEOLOGY provides effective and affordable water treatment solutions across Australia and New Zealand. We can assist local governments, mining companies, petroleum companies, marinas and any other industries associated with contamination risks. Our clients include Shell, BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto, City of Perth, NSW Maritime and more.

We can custom build a solution to suit your specific treatment needs that helps you lower both your operational costs and carbon footprint. To find out more, call us today on 1300 305 723 or contact us online.